
Xbox One Recording Length vs PS4 Recording Length

According to our friends over at Eurogamer, the difference between Xbox One and PS4 maybe about 10 min of recording.

Here is what the article states:

Xbox One is able to automatically record the last five minutes of your gameplay, a third of the time that Sony will store on PlayStation 4.

Microsoft Studios creative director Ken Lobb detailed the exact amount at San Diego Comic-Con while discussing the new Xbox One version of Killer Instinct (thanks, Gamespot).

Sony previously showed off the ability for a player to edit their last 15 minutes of gameplay on PlayStation 4.

“The idea is you’re always recording,” Lobb said of the Xbox One’s game DVR feature, nicknamed ‘Project Upload’. “The last five minutes of any game you’re playing are always being stored on your hard drive.

Like PS4, you’ll be able to edit that footage on the fly, Lobb explained, and add titles, a voice-over or extra footage recorded using Kinect.

For times when you can’t stop playing (such as in the middle of an online session), Microsoft will allow you to capture and immediately save the last 30 seconds of gameplay for editing later.

“Say you’re playing online and you just did the best thing ever – you can’t pause as you’re playing online,” Lobb continued. “You can say ‘Xbox, record that’ and it’ll grab the last 30 seconds of gameplay for you to play around with later.”

Both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will also let you stream your gameplay online, which should allow for unlimited lengths of gameplay to be captured. Those looking for a method of editing longer amounts of footage could presumably rip the online version of this and then edit it via PC.

What could this mean for those that are wanting to record something longer for things like “Let’s Play” and more? Recently it was announced that the Xbox one will support external capture cards. This would only affect those without one. Of course if you can stream, internet speed being a concern, you could always download the stream and edit it yourself. Thoughts?

Source EuroGamer

One comment

  1. KingAurrelio Psn says:

    PlayStation 4 still has the most preorders… No matter what Xbox One does, Ouya will still have more sales than Xbox One on Amazon.

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