
Diablo 3 – Reaper of Souls MASSIVE datamined leak

Okay, so files have been released for the new Diablo 3 expansion, Reaper of Souls. There is tons of information that’s been datamined and still more to come so I’ll only put here what I know with a link to where you can find more if your interested when it becomes updated with all the goodies.


New Features:

Guilds/Clans with ranking systems and chat systems.
Ladders with separate seasons (Diablo 2 style maybe??)
Ladders seem to have a paragon level associated with them as well.

Challenge Modes:

ChallengeTypeWave Fight : Wave Trial – Destroy each enemy wave as quickly as possible. Extra time is converted into bonus experience and gold!

ChallengeTypeHorde : Horde Trial – Slay an unending horde of monsters. Kill monsters before the timer ends to earn bonus experience and gold for every kill!

ChallengeTypeTimed Dungeon : Collapsing Dungeon – Loot Nephalem Relics to delay the dungeon collapse and earn time bonuses!

ChallengeTypeZapper : Berseker Trial – Slay monsters before they become enraged! Killing marked monsters before they enrage grants bonus experience and gold!

ChallengeTypeGoblin Hunt : Goblin Hunt – Find the treasure goblins before they all escape!
There is more Challenge mode info HERE

New Bosses: -SPOILER-

“BatteringRam” (Not sure here)

New Crusader stuff/abilities:

Heavenly Strength – You can wield a 2-handed weapon in your main hand while holding a Shield in your offhand. / Your maximum movement speed is reduced by 10%.
“I want both.”

Vigilant – Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Increase total Life regeneration by 3%. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 2%.
“Constant vigilance!”

Wrathful – Gain 5% Wrath regeneration for 3 seconds when you block.

Holy Cause – Increase the amount of Holy damage on your weapon by 10%. / The proc effect of Holy weapons is increased by 10%.
“Let Heaven’s might be unleashed upon the wicked.”

Sweep Attack – Cost: 25 Wrath / Sweep a mystical flail in a wide arc through enemies 20 yards before you, dealing 230% weapon damage to all enemies caught in the arc.

Magnetic Arc – Enemies hit by the attack will also catch on fire for 50% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
Holy Shock – Enemies hit by the sweep attack have a 20% chance to be tripped, stunning them for 5 seconds.

Laws of Justice – Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, granting you and your allies 900 All Resistances for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you block, there is a chance you and your allies resistances will increase by 300 for 5 seconds.

This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.

Steed Charge – Cooldown: 15 seconds / You are picked up by magical steed, allowing you to ride through enemies without being noticed or blocked for 3 seconds.

This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.

Bombardment – Cooldown: 60 seconds / Call in an assault from afar, raining balls of burning pitch and stone onto enemies around you, dealing 400% weapon damage. The bombardment continues on randomly targeted monsters nearby for the next -22 seconds.

Tar Pit – Instead of hurling burning balls of pitch, the carcasses of dead and diseased animals (cows) are thrown. When they land, their poisoned parts are scattered across the battlefield, leaving the area poisoned for a 5 seconds doing 250% weapon damage per second.
Mine Field – A timed bomb is thrown on the battlefield which will explode after 5 seconds dealing 250% weapon damage in a holy cross formation.

Laws of Hope – Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, increasing resource regeneration for you and your allies by 20% for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you pick up a health globe, you and your allies’ resource regeneration rate will be increased by 10% for 5 seconds.

This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.
This rune is not yet implemented.

Bird of Prey – Cost: 25 Wrath / Active: Order the Gyrfalcon to enrage, increasing the damage it deals for a short time. / Passive: Summon a Mystical Gyrfalcon to fight by your side.

Flock / Active: The Gyrfalcon and his flock swarm the targeted location, dealing 20% weapon damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
Staggering Cry / Active: The Gyrfalcon emits a piercing shriek, stunning all enemies between it and the targeted location for 3 seconds.
This rune is not yet implemented.


There seems to be a ton of new unique effects being tested out mostly on rings however i’d imagine there not being 50+ legendary rings coming out in the expansion so some might be migrated to weapons and such and are just being tested using the rings.

There is just tons more information that is mostly in gibberish strings that may or may not make sense to some people so I’m going to avoid posting that here. However if you wish to take a look feel free to head to the link at the bottom of this post and jump into the Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls rabbit hole and see how much info you can get out of it… theres more info there dealing with things such as enchanting, quests, backstories, transmog, paragon bonuses and, SO SO much more.

More information & Source — DiabloFans

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