
Tag: Respawn

Titanfall Expedition “Runoff” images

Check out a first glimpse at the Runoff map in the first Titanfall DLC
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Titanfall: Next Steps

Find out what is coming to Titanfall soon! What changes to expect.
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Xbox 360 version of…

TitanFall is one of 2014’s largest titles, even with it being launched a few short months into the year.…
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Titanfall Beta signups!

Get signed up to the Titanfall beta on Xbox One or PC!
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Titanfall Factions & Characters

Check out the info on the factions featured in Titanfall.
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TitanFall Releases March 11th,…

Respawn announced today that Titanfall will be available on March 11, 2014 in North America and a few days…
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Titanfall may support Oculus…

The much anticipated game Titanfall by Respawn entertainment might have a bonus feature up it’s sleeve for pc gamers.…
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Jason West Departs Respawn

Respawn Entertainment, the independent studio formed by Jason West and Vince Zampella, former co-founders of Infinity Ward and creators…
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Video of the day

Madden 16 Gameplay!