
Tag: Competition

Play Advanced Warfare on…

How do you like the idea of winning free goodies for playing games? Then you're in for a treat…
1786 0

Epsilon win the 2015…

Epsilon eSports have been crowned this year's Call of Duty European Champions!
3100 0

Call of Duty European…

Get the lowdown on this weekend's Call of Duty European Championships 2015!
1903 0

$500 Kelevra Uncharted 3…

Uncharted 3's first-ever cash prize event got kicked off this past week and the highlights from the first round…
2252 0

[EDITORIAL] Uncharted 4: Realizing…

The Uncharted franchise is one of the most awe- inspiring, yet frustrating series of games I've ever played. We…
3555 5

COD Championships 2013: Predictions

This weekend is very big for the Call of Duty Competitive community. Treyarch and Activision is hosting the biggest…
1888 0

Video of the day

Madden 16 Gameplay!